When Critchfield Consulting is analyzing a business, we take a close look at the business's branding components. It's pretty simple, if we were to take your company business cards, your letterhead, an image of your websites home page, social media platform profiles, sales literature, or anything else a customer may see of yours and plaster it all against a white board together, will we see a cohesive branded look or what appears to be an amateurs ransom note?
If your brand elements across the board look like an amateur's ransom note, your brand needs a refreshed look. This doesn't mean you need to go out and change all your storefronts signage just yet, but it's worth the conversation to determine what the best approach forward looks like. Before we dive into choosing a branding specialist to work with, it's important to identify the components of what good branding, overall, looks like.
- Logo Design: There are a few components of your logo to pay close attention to. Most good logos have three elements, a well-designed image that represents the company, the business name with a specialized font and a secondary position, slogan, or color scheme that ties it all together. Logos really should be simple and the less words, typically the better. Afterall, these might go on shirts, hats, and products like coffee mugs and golf balls so the smaller the font and verbiage, the more diluted the logo will look.
- Color Scheme: It's important to also identify what color scheme your business will use to promote itself. A good color scheme typically starts by identifying a primary color, followed by a secondary color and possibly even an accent color. If you think about a website, your logo and its main color should be the color scheme you go with that is primary. If there are secondary colors in the logo these will make sense to utilize as the secondary website colors. Based upon these colors, choosing a third accent color to highlight call to action boxes or unique animation on the website might serve your business well collectively.
- Type Face & Font: Another factor for building a brand that sets your business up for success is to use a font and type face that separates you from others. This could be used for your logo, sales collateral, business cards, letterhead, website font, and social media profiles. Part of the amateurs ransom note concept mentioned above applies here. You want to keep things universal across the board and you want to shy away from using different size fonts, italics, and bold face if it doesn't make sense.
It cost money to rebrand. Whether you are buying new business cards for the entire team or revamping your sales literature and store front signage, take the time to choose a design team that have good examples of previous designs they have completed for other clients. A good graphic artist and design agency should be working with you to identify the right brand scheme and should not stop revisions until you are satisfied with the work.
Not every business needs to revamp their brand. If you've had a logo for your business since 1950, and it's represented your business well or the logo is well known in your area and has been for decades, it's probably wise to keep these elements. Work with your digital marketing agency to design around this and incorporate new design elements around the old to help make your business still appear historic and unique were applicable.
With over 300 websites and digital marketing clients that we've been privileged to help over the years, Critchfield Consulting has worked with many of them in revamping their companies look and messaging. Whether this is changing logos, signs, color schemes, or overall brand messaging, we feel it all starts with a comprehensive digital marketing evaluation of your business.
With a dedicated team of graphic artists and brand specialists, Critchfield Consulting has the experience and knowledge to help companies send the right message across the internet. We encourage you to take a closer look at some of our client's projects or view some of the collateral and logos our team have designed. If you'd like to learn more about us, or talk with us specifically about your company's branding, give us a call at 816-718-6617 or message us here directly.